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Leverage your Passion!

Heading out on my ride, wearing my PWR Cycle,
and LT Tri Team Kit! I know, not matching
well, as Jen tells me daily.
I'm big on the idea of spending your time doing what you love, and trying to have a positive impact on the world in the process.

It all started for me about 29 years ago when I discovered triathlon.  I became passionate (alright, practically addicted) to the sport.  I read everything I could, experimented with diet and training methods, raced as often as i could afford as a student (thanks mom and dad!).  I even did this crazy race back then called Ironman... back in the day when there were only a handful worldwide.  I was passionate about the fitness, the competition and the lifestyle.  And that's why I became a coach... to monetize my passion and to help others enjoy the sport.

Flash forward 29 years, and I'm one of the lucky ones to have forged a good living around doing something I love.  Everyday I get to not only exercise, whether for competition, fitness or fun, but I also get to talk about training, whether it's teaching or sharing ideas.  My work is my passion, and your's can be too!

What if you could do something everyday as your work, something that you get paid to do,  that you would do anyway?  How would it make you feel? Good I bet, right?  If you're not passionate, at least in part, why are you doing what you're doing.... living in a passionLESS space?   Does that fill your cup?  Is it something you want to do for the next 10, 20, 30+ years?  I'm guessing the answer is NO.

 While I'm not encouraging you to be rash and quit that job you need to pay the bills, I AM suggesting that you look at ways to leverage your passion, and see if you can create opportunities around it.  Your personal effectiveness and overall happiness will be elevated through the roof, and you'll look back in a year and say to yourself, "Why didn't I do this sooner?!"

Live with Passion!
Coach Troy
Sr. National Director - Endurance, Life Time Fitness


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