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The BIG 33! - High Performance Living Ideas

I put some thought into what strategies and tactics are key to living a high performance life, at least for me in my journey, and came up with what I call... The BIG 33!  

I realize that everyone has their own list of concepts, ideas and personal truths, and that results may vary, but take a moment to look over the BIG 33, and see if they align with yours.  And if so, which are most important to you? Or, do you have others to add? Please share your ideas.
  1. Keep it Simple. Life is best lived if it’s grounded in the fundamentals.  Keep it simple, as complexity dilutes focus and causes conflict.
  2. Get up early in the morning. New ideas, innovative thoughts and self care happen when the rest of the world is asleep.
  3. Hard work mattersespecially when combined with ‘smart work’. There are no shortcuts to success. Hard work is imperative, but so is a smart strategy. Balance the two components.
  4. Make things happen.  Take action on a daily basis to set the foundation for future success. What you do today will bear fruit in 6, 12 or 24 months from now.  Make it happen.
  5. Get out of the comfort zone.  Gains are made when you push beyond your comfort zone. Get uncomfortable, at least once a day.
  6. Embrace change.  Don’t fight it. The person you are today is not the person you were 2 years ago, nor will it be the person you are 2 years from now.  Accept it.
  7. Sitting still is like going backwards.  You have two choices to make… change and grow, or stay where you are and slide backwards.  There is no neutral ground.
  8. Mediocrity sucks. At least try to be exceptional in everything you do. Work to find what you do great.
  9. Stop complaining.  It’s counterproductive, annoying to those around you, and won’t move the ball forward toward the goal line.
  10. Take responsibility, and be accountable.  You alone are responsible for your success and failures in this world.  Sure, there are influencers, but ultimately, you hold the cards. Stop blaming others.
  11. Be a good person in general.  In other words, don’t’ be an asshole.
  12. Respect other people, even if they disagree with your point of view.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as you are to yours.  Respect them, and they are more likely to respect you.  Better yet, you might learn something new.
  13. Listen.  Stop talking so much. Not everyone wants to hear what you say. Instead, give the courtesy of listening to other people, and open your mind to what they are saying.
  14. Be prepared for hard work.  Nothing worth having is easy to get.  If you think it is, you are fooling yourself, or what you wanted actually isn’t worth anything.  Expect to work hard for your success.
  15. Need and accept support.  You are not able to do everything by yourself.  Accept support, and offer your support.
  16. Find a mentor.  Wherever it is that you want to go, someone has already been there before you.  Find that person, and for their mentorship.
  17. Be authentic and have integrity.  Be true to yourself, and never try to be someone you aren’t.
  18. Be a life long learner.  You don’t know everything, and you never will.  Read constantly, and always be searching for more information.
  19. Be humble.  No one likes a know it all, even if you do know it all (and the truth is , you don’t).  Always be humble.
  20. Show gratitude.  Your success in life is a result of others helping to nurture and support you over many years, helping to create the opportunities you’ve enjoyed.  No one gets to the top of the mountain on their own accord.
  21. Believe and Trust in your higher power. 
  22. Maintain perspective,and embrace balance.  Family, work, personal pursuits, spirituality.  Each component of your life is as important.  Maintain a proper perspective, prioritize based on your personal needs, and strive for balance.
  23. Work hard, and play hard.
  24. Lead by example.  Never expect your team members to do something that you wouldn’t do first.
  25. Focus on key payback activities.  Don’t get lulled into doing too much. Focus on your highest priority activities that give you the highest payback, aligned with the 80:20 rule (80 percent of your results come from 20% of your efforts.)
  26. Moderation is key.  Enjoy a little… but never indulge in too much.
  27. Have empathy, and give back.  Understand and feel, from within your core, the way other people feel and what they are going through. This will make you a better person, and always willing to lend a helpful hand.
  28. Support our future generations.  Our children are our future. Teach your own and others how to be self-reliant, and contributing members of our society, along with other strategies related to successful living.   Do your part for our future generations.
  29. Eat a nutritious diet.  Foods are broken down into chemicals that interact with the chemicals that make up your body.  Focus on foods and other consumables that help your body and mind grow and flourish…. And don’t destroy them over time, like a poison.
  30. Live in alignment with your core values.  Have integrity. Define your values, and live your life according to them, no matter what. This creates life harmony, and underlying sense of calm and fulfillment.
  31. Exercise daily. You need a strong mind, and a strong body. Make it a daily habit, like brushing your teeth, to exercise for 30-60 minutes. Include resistance training and cardio, along with stretching.
  32. Reflect, meditate and recover.  Take 5-10 minutes each day to sit quietly by yourself, close your eyes, and take time for reflection and visioning your future. Make sleep an important element of your day for recovery.
  33. Stay in the moment.  Learn how to focus on what’s happening in the present… right now.
So, consider these ideas and how to use them in your life! I think Number 11 says it all.  Do you feel they're a good fit for you? Please comment below.  
Thrive & Prosper! 
Coach Troy
For more information about how to develop a Success Mindset, and increase your personal performance with the help of a coach, schedule a free phone consultation with me here, and visit 


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